PSD2 PIS - Payment Initiation Service


The Payment Initiation Service parts of the PSD2 specification provides the following services to authorized TPPs:

  • Initiation and update of a payment request
  • Status information of a payment
  • Singing baskets - authorising several transactions with one SCA operation


    • The PIS API implements the Payment Initiation Service parts of the PSD2 specification, and provides the following services to authorized TPPs:

      • Initiation and update of a payment request
      • Status information of a payment
      • Singing baskets - authorising several transactions with one SCA operation

      Access to the Payment Initiation Service API is controlled through the general onboarding/enrollment flow. I.e. the API is only accessible to valid TPPs, who have completed the enrollment in order to upload and verify their qualified certificates. By accessing the API, you confirm that you already



In order to subscribe, you must sign in.

Default Plan

100 calls per hour


API DEVELOPER - PLEASE UPDATE THIS! Description should be a description of who/what this plan used intended to be used for.

  • PSD2 PIS - Payment Initiation Service 2.4.4

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